Monday, January 30, 2012

Journey 2 : The Mysterious Island



Sean Anderson is caught by police escaping from a satellite research centre where he was attempting to access a signal broadcast that was too faint to pick up outside of the facility. Escorted home by his step father, Hank Parsons, he eventually reveals that the mysterious broadcast he was attempting to access was a set of indistinguishable words that he is trying to decode. Hank, in an attempt to bond with his step son, solves the code which eventually reveals the co-ordinates for the Mysterious Island, which were hidden in three novels-Treasure Island, Gulliver's Travels and Verne's Mysterious Island. Sean believes that his long lost grandfather was the one behind the transmission, and that he has discovered the island. Sean and Hank immediately set out for the island of Palau. Both Hank and his wife, Liz, don't believe anything that Sean is convinced of, such as the fact that the Mysterious Island could exist and that his grandfather discovered it, but after Hank considers that this trip could help bring him closer to his usual anti-social step son, the couple decide it would be ideal. Once arriving at Palau, they board a private helicopter run by Gabato and his daughter Kailani, whom Sean immediately develops a crush on. The four travel to the co-ordinates until their helicopter is hit by a freak storm, causing them to crash on the island. Eventually they manage to make their way inland where they finally meet Sean's grandfather. He leads them back to his hut where they spend the night. Once it is determined that a radio signal for a distress call can only be sent once a fortnight, it is decided that the group will stay put until then. The next day the five travel to the lost city of Atlantis, buried far back in the jungles. There Hank finds evidence to believe that the island is slowly sinking. It is revealed through Sean’s grandfather that the island sinks underwater once every 140 years or so due to shifting tectonic plates, and that they still have years before the next cycle begins. Hank’s recent discovery however shows that his Sean’s grandfather’s calculations are wrong and that the island will sink in a few days. From there the group set out to Captain Nemo’s tomb, which contains his journal holding the whereabouts of the legendary submarine, The Nautilus, their only hope of escaping on time. Once the journal is uncovered, they set out towards Nautilus, encountering various obstacles in their path. Sean’s foot is dislocated after a dog fight involving a giant bird, and the group is slowed down considerably. The next morning it is discovered that Gabato has left the group to return to a previously passed volcano of gold, which he believes is his and Kailani’s only hope of living a decent life. Kailani and Sean’s grandfather set out to find him while Hank and Sean continue to find the Nautilus. Once at the submarine’s entrance, the two are disheartened to find that the rising sea level has buried the cave underwater, and that they two must dive without assistance down to where it is located. Using a simple breathing device, they manage to reach the submarine and open the entrance hatch, narrowly avoiding a nasty encounter with a giant electric eel. Kailani and Sean’s grandfather eventually find Gabato and convince him to return to the submarine. Once there, they are distraught to discover that Hank and Sean are nowhere in sight. Unbeknownst to them, the pair are attempting to start the submarine, although the batteries are long exhausted. Hank devises a plan to use the eel to conduct enough electricity to kick start the Nautilus, and equipping a basic diving suit, exits the sub to confront the eel and throw a harpoon at it. Once the submarine starts, they quickly travel to the surface and retrieve the other three. Six months later, Gabato is head of a successful tourism movement back on Palau, and has enough money to send Kailani overseas to the states where she is dating Sean and attending college.

own review :
muvi yg best! x rugi tgok..hehe....kalo la dpt g tmpt yg cntik mcm tu....siap ada gunung berapi emas lagi..binatang2 lak jd terbalik..means yg kecik jd besar..n yg besar jd kecik..aww..gajah itu sgt cumel!!!

see..comel kan :)

gajah yg besar jd kecik.cute!!

lebah yg kecik jd besar..gebu!!

Atlantis..yg sepatutnya di dasar laut..
tp sebenarnya dy timbul n tenggelam

ada The Rock yg sgt taff n responsible n caring step father..aww!

ada pakcik yg sgt2 lucu!!! :)

*tu jela kot review nye..nk tau tgok mmg best la...tgok 3D mcm kita ada kt situ jugak.. ^_^v
tengs kak wawa..sbb ikut tgok crita yg nik pilih n belanja nik ..syg akak :)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

kisah baju pengantin x jadi... XD

masa : dlm pukul 2 lebih, masa klas GERKO.
tempat kejadian : dlm kelas, astaka.

situasi bermula apabila........

(telepon ku vibrate agak lama menandakan ada panggilan masuk dari nmbr yg x dikenali)

dlm hati seorg peniaga nasik goreng sambilan ~ "eh..sape lak kol aku nih? time kelas mesti ada org nk oder nasik nih..hari ni xda nasik...xpela..nnt habis kelas ak tnya org tu" ~

x lama pastu kelas GERKO pun tamat...sambil berjalan balik ke bilik, aku pon msg ke nmbr tuh...

"sape ni ye?"

lalu msg ku dibalas....

"Dhiya pengantin..tpn xd nk oyak hal bju oyak doh ko abe kak..sya g ata 21/1 bju"

sejurus je aku baca msg tu..aku terus ketawa guling2 geli hati bagai digeletek...awww..baju pengantin?? bila aku nak kawen nih? ahaks! ~gatal seketika~

then aku pon balas kt nmbr tu....

"err..maaf la x kawin lagi nih...silap nmbr nih"

kemudian msg aku di balas balik...
"Laila ke nie?"

dlm hati aku ~ "laa..dia main sebut laila pulak...tau la 'Laila' nih nama utk 'adik2' junior jiran sebelah menyebelah" ~ then aku pon terasa nk lyn msg tuh...nk wat drama sket..hahahaa..lalu aku pon balas....

"Laila tu bkn sy..Laila tu org lain...sorry"

mcm nk gtau je yg laila tu jiran2 aku..haha..then ingatkan dh habes la kot drama aku nih..rupa2nya dia balas lagi..igt dia nk tnye pulak pasal laila jiran2 aku dia balas....

"sory la cm 2 gak.."

masa ni aku ketawa guling2 lagi walopon dh sampai ke bilik aku..hahaha...dh aku merepek bnyk2 baru dy sedar yg salah nmbr..then aku xnk tinggalkan dy cmtu je..aku pon balas msg terakhir dgn...

"xpe3...nnt sy nk kawin sy gtau ye LOL XD"

kahkahkahkahkah hakhakhakhak hak tuihhhh! sero nok suko weh....kesian la kt dy..susah2 kol n bg msg kt ak pasal baju pengantin aku pon gtau la cmtu kt dy..mna tau kot2 nk guna perkhidmatan dy betul2 nnt bila dh tiba masa dan ketika utk aku kawin..x sia2 dy tersalah nmbr td..kan3 ^_^v

begitulah kisah baju pengantin x jadi.......tamat.....

::mmg lucu sgt2...mula2 igt org nk tempah nasik..rupa2nya org nk hantar baju pengantin...mcm nk suruh aku kawin cepat2 pulak ye...xpe...ada calon nnt aku terus tempah baju pengantin ye..hehe..getek!::

Royal Wedding Dresses Romona Keveza 2012
yg ni cantik kan ^_^

Romona Keveza Royal Wedding Dresses
yg ni sgt nice! :)

yg ni pun..ada!! ^_^

Royal Wedding Dress Romona Keveza 2012
yg ni mcm ikan duyung..aww ^_^

tapi kalo dapat yg ni mmg best jugak..hahaha XD

hello cik khalida..awok tu bkn omputih nk pakai gaun2 segale nih... berangan aje le..
tp dlm angan2 nak paju pengantin warna merah putih...awww! chanteknyew!!!

~sampel2 baju pengantin warna merah putih yg di gugel x menarik minat langsung..haish~

 tapi utk pelamin nak yg mcm ni pon dh oke
merah putih!! like!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^v

oke..enough! sudah2 lettew cik khalida oiiii...belajaq x abeh lagi dh berangan nk kawen :p

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Duhai Lutut Kaki Kiri Ku Kaku...

Duhai Lutut Kaki Kiri Ku Kaku...

kamu baik2 aja kan? jgn sedih2...esok lusa baik la tu...bila dah baik nnt boleh la jln2, lari2 lompat2 tembok lagi ~amaran keras oleh makcik urut,ummi, abah n cik nor..jgn nk ngade2 lasak lagi..kaki tu x baik lagi tuh~ :(

Duhai Lutut Kaki Kiri Ku Kaku...

kenapa awk lari dari parking lot awk lagi? bukankah sy dh pesan ngn awk duduk diam2 baik2 kt situ..kenapa awk nk lari2 nih? kesian sy...sakit wooo..awk pon rasa kan mcm mana rasa sakit igt lagi masa sekolah menengah dulu..masa tu sy form 4 ke form 5 ntah...awk lari dari parking lot awk buat pertama igt lagi..masa tu time PREP mlm..dhla jadi kt bangunan sekolah pulak tu...masa sy g tandas sorg2...sob2...awk x kesian ke ngn sy duhai lutut kaki kiri ku kaku? naseb baik sy cuba jln jugak masa tu...n utk pertama kali sy kena g mengurut n jln terhincut2 pegi sekolah...sedih tau... :'(

Duhai Lutut Kaki Kiri Ku Kaku...

awk kena ni mmg lasak sikit...bukan lasak bsukan mana lebih kurang mcm bdk2 yg buas org utara habaq..x reti jln baik2..ada je nk lompat2, lari2, riang ria sana sini...huhu,,nak buat mcm mmg kanak2 riang..hehehee XD

Duhai Lutut Kaki Kiri Ku Kaku...

mcm mana awk rasa bila makcik som (tukang urut) td tu urut awk? picit awk kuat2..angkat tulang awk n parking tempat asal awk balik? perghh..sgt BEST kan? mcm nk jerit kuat2 je kan? naseb baek sy pemalu...tahan dgn penuh kesabaran je...dlm hati ni hanya Allah saja yg tahu betapa sakitnya makcik tu urut..
sabarlah kaki...nak baik cpt mmg kena tahan sakit sikit... (air mata x jd meluncur keluar dari mata..just keluar suara2 halus yg menyatakan aduh sakitnya...syukur)

Duhai Lutut Kaki Kiri Ku Kaku...

awk dah makin oke kan? harap awk makin oke nak berlari2 riang ria x boleh jln terhincut2 x boleh jd seorg yg menjaga langkah dgn terlampau sopan walaupun sy sememangnya seorg yg sopan..ahaks :p

Saturday, January 14, 2012

BIRU ^_^v

yes! taun ni saya rumah biru ye...
rumah sukan masa tadika dolu2!!! *eksaited puloks
tadika > BIRU
darjah 1 - darjah 5 stgh > KUNING
darjah 5 stgh - darjah 6 > MERAH
form 1 - form 2 stgh > MERAH
form 2 stgh - form 5 > HIJAU
tahun 1 ipg > HIJAU
tahun 2 ipg *taun ni la > BIRU 

see! lama sudah x dpt rumah biru..hehehe ^_^v
berputar2 nmpk..mybe taun dpn kuning kot? *wondering hehehe

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Monday, January 9, 2012


ye..minggu lepas aku baru berpeluang berOMBAK RINDUan setelah x dapek nk g tgok kt bigC..nk wat cmna..masa n waktu x mengizinkan daku utk g bigC sopmo2.. ::bilamasalakakukakiwayangntahdahnasebbadan::

from my opinion ~ceewaaahh skiping u nyahhh~ citer ni biasa2 je..x sehebat novel OMBAK RINDU yg meletops3 tu.x caye try baca novel dy..lagi best! n citer adaptasi ni x sama ngn novel sgt..ada jln citer yg ditambah2 sndiri..dhtu...cepat bebenor jln citer filem ni bergolek...x puas hati btoi..x sempat nk feeling n nanges pon..baidewei....aku suka Aaron!!! Hariz biasa2 je dlm filem ni..bkn mcm dlm novel...

walaubagaimanapun...ak tetap sokong filem ni..yela filem Malaysia...sape lagi nk sokong kalo bkn rkyat Malaysia..yedok? n ak sgt2 suka ost OMBAK RINDU!!! semua best2!! paling bermakna n memberi makna n ak feeling habes ialah lagu OMBAK RINDU..lagu ni mcm luahan hati ak sndiri...luahan ikhlas dari jauh di lubuk hati aku utk si dia ~ntah la sapa2 pun..~

"dear my ______....saya harap awak mengerti luahan hati saya ni..walaupun bkn tulisan atau karya saya ia memberi makna yg besar buat saya...harap awak hayatinya.."    ^_^

::aww..tersuwit2 lak...ntah pape ntah ceq merepek merapu...teda ada kena mengena dgn yg hidup mahupun bkn hidup ye::

ini la bait2 puitis nye ->

Tuhan tolong lembutkan hati dia
Untuk terima ku seadanya
Kerna ku tak sanggup
Kerna ku tak mampu
Hidup tanpa dia di sisi ku

Tuhan aku tahu banyak dosa ku
Hanya ingat Kamu kala duka ku
Namun hanya Kamu yang mampu membuka
Pintu hatinya untuk cintaku

Malam kau bawalah rinduku
Untuk dirinya yang jauh dari ku
Agar dia tidak kesepian
Selalu rasa ada cinta agung

Hujan bawa air mata ku
Yang mengalir membasuh luka ku
Agar dia tahu ku terseksa
Tanpa cinta dia di hatiku

Hanya mampu terserah
Moga cahaya di penanti

Tuhan tolong lembutkan hati dia
Untuk terima ku seadanya
Kerna ku tak sanggup
Kerna ku tak mampu
Hidup tanpa dia di sisi ku

Sunday, January 1, 2012


ASSALAMUALAIKUM 2012....selamat menjengah ke tahun baru....semoga menjadi lebih baik daripada tahun2 sebelumnya...amin.... ^_^

~~err..sebenarnya ak xda mood sgt nk berblogging nih...padahal bnyk bebenor entry nk nk disebabkan kekangan masa n ak bizi kalah PM...ak tangguhkan dulu segala isi n huraian entry ak tu...nnt2 ak update laen la ye...(bajet ada peminat yg baca lak.. :p)

nnt nk hapdate jugak pasai kenduri aqiqah n berkelah kt sedim..x kira x kira..lmbt pon lmbt la... :p